
“The Great Villainess: Strategy of Lily” Demo Update Patch v0.1.2 Released!

An update from the “The Great Villainess: Strategy of Lily” development team.

We’re pleased to deliver the “Demo Update Patch v0.1.2” we previewed late last year.
Thank you for your patience!

■ Demo v0.1.2 Update Details

– Difficulty Adjustments
We have rebalanced the difficulty in the demo stage:
・Adjusted enemy reinforcements and troop types
・Adjusted elite enemy strength
・Adjusted boss enemy strength

– Guard Command Added
・When selecting “Command” in battle, you can now choose the “Guard” option.
Reduces incoming damage. If defense is successful, your party’s MP increases more than us

– Target Visibility
・A target marker now appears above enemies.
・You can see which character the enemy is aiming at or whether they are using an area-of-effect attack.

– New Tutorial Scene
・A brief tutorial about the new “Guard” and “Target” mechanics has been added.

– Wave Display Revision
・Wave information is now displayed in “x/3” format.

– Story Skip Button Implemented
・A “Skip” button is now available during story scenes,
which skips the scene until the next player input is required.

– Phase Progress UI Adjustments
We have updated the UI to clearly show phase progression each turn.

– “On the Stage” Effects Update
When streaming, if there is a target you can capture,
the “On the Stage” effects will now change accordingly.

– Application Optimization
We have optimized the application to improve game startup speed.

■ Changes to Save Data in Demo Update Patch v0.1.2

Due to these updates, save data from Demo v0.1.1 is incompatible with Demo v0.1.2.
We sincerely apologize for the inconvenience.
(Older save files will no longer be displayed.)

In the full release, we plan to continue refining the story, optimizing graphics, and implementing features that are currently missing. We will keep working to improve and expand the game. Please try out “Demo v0.1.2” and share your feedback with us. We’ve been enjoying your gameplay streams and videos—thank you for all your support!

Lastly, here is a small preview of upcoming content still in development.
(Note: Screenshots are from a work-in-progress build and may differ in the final product.)

We appreciate your continued support for “The Great Villainess: Strategy of Lily.”
Thank you!